
Crystal Elliot Perez

Crystal Elliot Perez
Job title: 
WA Abandoned Mine Restorartion Project Manager
About me: 
As a restoration ecologist and project manager for TU's Abandoned Mine Restoration Program in Washington state, Crystal is excited to have the opportunity to work with landowners, the local community, other NGOs, tribes, and government agencies to find effective solutions to tough environmental challenges facing native fish populations and their habitat in Washington. Crystal came aboard with TU in May 2013, bringing 12 years of experience in the public and private sectors. She holds an M.S. in Restoration Ecology and Ecosystem Science from the University of Washington, a B.S. in Biology from Western Washington University, and she is certified as a Professional Wetland Scientist. When she’s not working on restoring fish habitat, you will likely find her on a trail or slope in the Methow Valley or nearby North Cascades Mountains attached to a pair of skis, a climbing rope, binoculars, or bike pedals.
Other Interests: 
Backcountry skiing
Trail running
eating dessert
Group membership: 
Washington - 9WA